Courthouse Coverage . . . Good News For a Change.

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Monday, November 12, 2007


You've seen him around the Courthouse proudly serving as a court deputy before the Hon. Geoffrey Cohen and others. Now he's in Iraq where he has been for the past 16 months, serving and helping our Marines in the Western Front of Iraq. Send him some love.


Anonymous said...

I have known Mike for almost eight years and I think he's the finest man I've ever met. He is a person who goes out of his way to be good to people. Now he is over in Iraq and he needs all our prayers and our love and support. I pray for him every day and sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. He is my friend and I want him to come back home safe. Very few people in this world would give up what he has given up to help those in need, especially where there is so much danger for him every day and night.He will always be my friend and hero.

Anonymous said...

Mike has touched many of us, especially when out of a strong sense of Patriotism he volunteered to go to Iraq. Mike has always had a strong sense of right and wrong, and a very definite moral code.
Mike went to Iraq out of a sense of duty to his fellow Americans. This is a form of Patriotism that we don't often see these days. Mike has given up holidays, birthdays with family and friends, all for his country. He has not complained even though his lost time with family and friends that can never be replaced. He asks nothing from us, but we can send him the greatest gift of all our prayers and our good wishes.
John Kennedy, said "Ask not what your country can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your country." I believe that the President was speaking to Mike and all others who are serving in our armed forces.
God Bless you Mike!!!! We Miss you come home soon.Karen

Anonymous said...

I have known Mike for almost 10 years as a professional interpreter and translator. As such, he is fulfilling a role which, unfortunately, is grossly ignored and or misunderstood. As a linguist, he is aiding in bridging a linguistic and cultural gap between two very different cultures. The role and function of interpreters and translators needs to be recognized - persons like Mike are critical in bringing together different cultures and people; establish communication and understanding, even friendship. His role is vital, not only in terms of his military responsibilities but also socially. He is one of those few persons who not only masters the languages required in this particular arena, but also knows the cultures of the players. These critical components make Mike a very valuable asset in bringing about positive change and hopefully, a positive resolution to this long and dangerous conflict.
Mike embodies not only the characteristics of a professional linguist, but of a selfless, caring, kind individual who has put his money where his mouth is.
In addition to knowing Mike professionally, he is my friend. I echo the sentiments expressed by others - he is the best friend anyone could ever have.
Mike - stay well, be safe, and keep up the good work!
I. Bernfeld Tomassini